
Making the world a better place, one line of code at a time

Exploring Roslyn, part 1: Introduction

Posted on Monday, April 07, 2014

The .Net Compiler Platform, codenamed “Roslyn”, is the most ambitious project from Microsoft’s Developer Division in recent years. The C# and VB teams got together and rewrote the compilers and language services from scratch in managed code (a mix of C# and VB), replacing a horrible mess of C++ code (with some managed code) that had mutated over the past ten years into a complex and difficult-to-modify codebase. Now, after over five years of work, Roslyn is almost finished, and is an integral part of Visual Studio 2015, now available in preview.

Why rewrite everything?

What’s so cool about Roslyn?

Inside Roslyn

Roslyn has a number of layers, each of which consumes the previous layer and adds more features. As of early February 2015, the entire Roslyn stack, including the Visual Studio & debugger integration layers, is open source on GitHub.

Core Compiler Models

Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll contains the basic types and infrastructure used by both compilers, including the base types for the syntax and semantic trees, a large collection of utility classes, and the code-generation infrastructure. This includes all parts of the compilation & analysis processes that are not language-specific.

This layer, as well as the next three layers, is split into pairs of portable and desktop assemblies. The portable versions are full PCL assemblies that can run on platforms that do not offer standard filesystem access, such as Windows Runtime or Windows Phone. The .Desktop variants add filesystem-aware APIs, and can only run on full .Net platforms (including Mono). For example, the portable assemblies will compile and expose syntax trees & semantic models, and the Desktop layer adds the ability to resolve referenced DLLs from disk.

Language-specific compilation code

Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.dll contain the concrete implementations of the VB & C# compilers, building on top of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll to implement language-specific logic. These assemblies include parsers, concrete syntax and semantic tree types, and all of the actual compilation logic for their respective languages.

These assemblies are invoked by the compiler applications to actually compile code, and can be used directly to parse & explore the syntax or semantic trees.

Actual compilers

This layer includes the applications that you actually invoke to compile code, including csc.exe and vbc.exe (the Roslyn versions of the command-line compilers), Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Roslyn.dll (the MSBuild task invoked from project files), and VBCSCompiler.exe (the compilation server process that actually runs the compilation code for the MSBuild task to avoid JIT delays; see part 2).

These projects are surprisingly small. Since all of the actual work happens in the previous layer, all they do is parse the command-line options, then invoke the compilation DLLs. (The MSBuild task is more complicated, since it needs to launch & communicate with the compilation server)


The previous layers take a very localized view of C# and VB code. They don’t know anything about Visual Studio, or even project files; instead, they operate on raw source code, bundled in a Compilation object that keeps track of all of the code being compiled, as well as compiler-level options like referenced assemblies.

The Workspaces layer (core, C#, and VB) implements the higher-level development experience expected from an IDE. This includes a number of concepts:

Most importantly, these assemblies are still completely decoupled from Visual Studio, so you can easily use them to create your own IDE-like experiences.

This layer too is split into desktop and portable versions. All of the basic functionality remains in the portable assemblies; the desktop layers adds MSBuildWorkspace, which reads MSBuild csproj & vbproj files, and a couple of other desktop-specific APIs.

This layer, as well as all of the following layers, is wired together using MEF v2. MEF is used to provide implementations of Roslyn internal services (especially across layers), to provide services to the Visual Studio editor system, and to import user-provided extensions. For example, writing a custom codefix simply involves inheriting CodeFixProvider and exporting it via MEF using [ExportCodeFixProvider] (most user-provided services have custom [Export] attributes that provide additional metadata).

The one exception to this rule is custom diagnostic analyzers. The core compilation process, which invokes analyzers, does not use MEF; instead, the host passes a collection of AnalyzerReferences to the compiler (these come from Roslyn’s built-in analyzers, as well as any analyzer references in your project). Within Visual Studio, Roslyn’s VS layer has a (MEF-exported) VisualStudioWorkspaceDiagnosticAnalyzerProviderService which scans for VS extensions that contain analyzers (as a separate VSIX content type), allowing you to “export” analyzers in VS extensions as if it were a MEF export. However, since it isn’t actually MEF, you can’t [Import] things in these analyzers


The Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.(CSharp VisualBasic).Features assemblies implement advanced IDE features. These include the public base types to implement refactorings and diagnostics, as well as (as internal types) all of the refactorings & quick fixes in Visual Studio.

These assemblies are still decoupled from Visual Studio, so you can use them too in your own independent projects. (using MEF to import all of the internal implementations of the built-in services)


This layer actually connects all of the earlier layers to Visual Studio’s WPF editor system, implementing VS editor services and invoking all of the features from the previous layers.

This layer also implements other Visual Studio editor-based features that are tied to the language services, such as Metadata As Source, Peek Definition, Call Hierarchy, and more.

The only public APIs in this layer are a set of extension methods in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Text.dll that link Visual Studio APIs to Roslyn APIs, providing connections between VS ITextBuffers and Roslyn Documents. If you want to write normal VS extensions that consume Roslyn APIs (as opposed to Roslyn extensions like refactorings or diagnostics, which aren’t tied directly to Visual Studio at all), you will need this assembly to bridge the gap.

Unlike the previous layers, these assemblies aren’t standalone; they reference the (MEF-based) Visual Studio WPF editor APIs. However, they do not reference the rest of Visual Studio at all. In fact, you can set up the Visual Studio editor components in a MEF container and host the entire Roslyn editor (using this layer) outside of Visual Studio. For more details, see VSEmbed, where I did exactly that.


Finally, Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.dll (and the corresponding C# & VB DLLs) contains other, non-editor-related Visual Studio integrations, including the project system, debugger, object browser, options pages, and all of the other gory details of the various ways that Visual Studio interacts with the language services.

This layer is even less externally useful than EditorFeatures; it’s entirely coupled to ugly VS implementation details. Its only useful public type is the VisualStudioWorkspace class, which extends the core Roslyn Workspace with VS-specific integration methods to get projects, display definition & FAR results, and a few other things.

Next time: Inside the End-User Preview

Categories: Roslyn, .net Tweet this post

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